debt debs

Personal Debt Wrangler – Had my money head in the sand – but no more!

Canada Day – Be Mindful and Be Brave


Canada-Day-Long-WeekendCanada Day isn’t until Tuesday July 1st, but basically this is the CANADA DAY long weekend, with many people extending their weekend if possible.

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends.

I am very fortunate to be able to go to my Dad’s cottage for the weekend, meet up with extended family and kick back and relax.

In the spirit of winding down and reflecting, I’m not going to inundate you with lots of frugal tips or financial updates, even though it is the end of the month.

In fact, what I was going to write about will just make this post entirely too long, and I want to vary it up a bit after Brian so aptly pointed out that I rock write a long post!

I’ll save that for another time and just share a few personal tidbits with you.

Be Mindful

Natalie @ Debt and the Girl wrote about The Dangers of Black and White Thinking which I found quite interesting because I’ve always been a black and white girl.  I always labeled every situation as either bad or good, without even realizing I’m doing it.  Shades of grey has never come naturally for me.  I don’t know why, and I’m incredibly interested in human psychology, so would love to understand it a bit more.  Some discussion in the comments about whether this way of thinking comes from life’s experiences or not.  I don’t know and I’ll probably never find out, but it is quite fascinating.

But what I want to say about that is, you can change the way you think by being mindful as Budget Bloggess discusses in Distracted from Spending: Summer Weekends.  I wouldn’t have really had believed before, but I’m halfway through my second reading of The Power of Now and now understand this phenomenon better and practice it in my everyday life.

It makes it easy to log-off from work at the end of the day, knowing that the pile of work will still be there tomorrow and all I can do is prioritize and continue doing my best.   It makes it easy to make a fast decision to stop working for a bit because my grandson has dropped in unexpectedly and I won’t trade those interactions for anything.  It makes it easy to not bear guilt about what I may not be able to do for a family member or friend but feel joy when I can.  Life can be short, so we have to approach it in an inspired and mindful YOLO fashion, but not a reckless and irresponsible way.

If you want more writings that touch on this topic, check out:

How Being Humble Helps Us to LIve a Happier Life from Hayley @ A Disease Called Debt

The Power of Mindfulness from Stefanie, Staff Writer @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter

… and While Being Mindful … Be Brave

Yesterday I was babysitting my grandson for the evening while his folks attended a wedding rehearsal and dinner.  In the true spirit of mindfulness, I was savoring every moment.  We played on the floor with his toys, turned on Disney channel for a few minutes (don’t tell Mom), I fed him (or tried to feed him, he wasn’t hungry as he had a late lunch and was breastfed by his Mom just before she left), took him for his bath and brushed his teeth.  By that time my husband had arrived to lend a helping hand so we did jolly jumper time, then stories, some bottled breastmilk (which he drank half of surprisingly, we haven’t had much luck with that  before) and bed.  He ‘fake’ cried for a bit doing his usual rocking and banging his foot on the mattress (I was watching closely on the monitor) and eventually went off to do-do land.

I was in such a state of joy and yet it was typically a very sad day for me.   Nine years ago yesterday, my Mum passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, alone at home from heart failure.  My father found her, when he returned home from a day at the cottage with my husband and brothers-in-law.  He found her in her bed with her tea cup partially drunk and her crossword puzzle and pen still in her hand.   My parents had been at our house the evening prior and we had a wonderful impromptu dinner, my children were all in attendance (which in itself was unusual given the age they were and all their comings and going), one of my sisters/BIL and a niece and a nephew.  Another sister/BIL had spent a similarly meaningful evening with her the night before.   Looking back, those experiences seem like they were a foreshadowing of what was to come.

I found something really fascinating yesterday, while I was feeding my grandson.  He became mesmerized with my ring on my hand which is a diamond solitaire ring belonging to my Mum.  He was pushing it around my finger, over and over again for a very long time considering he is an eight month old.  It felt like Mum was there with us in the room, just the three of us.  I became even more mindful at that moment.  It was pure peace and happiness.

I can’t remember if this little episode happened before or after the ring pushing incident, but here he is, after spitting out most of what I put in his mouth, but entirely fascinated by his Nama singing Brave to him*.

*Click here to view directly on YouTube

A Few Callouts

I would like to thank MrCBB @ Canadian Budget Binder for linking to my recent Top Ten in his Friday post – Should The Brick honour this customers claim on her extended warranty? : PF Weekly Grab a brew #78

I am very humbled to be nominated by Josh Rodriguez for the CNA Finance Personal Finance MVP Award! over at CNA Finance.  I’m in very highly esteemed company with David Carlson from Young Adult Money and Laurie from The Frugal Farmer.  Big congratulations to Will Lipovsky at First Quarter Finance for winning the first award!!  You can vote by leaving a comment in the post or send an email to!

We’re minding my grandson again tomorrow and then out of internet range for a few days.  Good weekend and good finances all!
Debt Debs out.

* I have it on my tablet and play it for him, along with Happy and Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid).

P.S.  Man I still can’t write a short post!

This post is part of #FinSavSat blog hop.
Click on the picture above and join in!

Author: debt debs

I am a fifty-something wife, mother and new grandmother, who admits to having their “head in the sand” about their financial situation until amassing $247,500 worth of consumer debt for a total debt of $393,500. We've paid $121K in 2 years with four more years to go. Join my journey at sharing ideas and motivation to all those coping with poor money management and bad debt decisions.

18 thoughts on “Canada Day – Be Mindful and Be Brave

  1. Thanks for the link love and congrats on being nominated for a personal finance MVP Award! 🙂


  2. awe cute video! I am sorry your mum is no longer with us. How incredible that you were all together that night before though! Enjoy your long weekend!


  3. Happy Canada Day and congratulations on your nomination! You’ve obviously KILLING IT with the blog! Sorry that you’re feeling sad about the loss of your mother. It sounds like you have an amazing family. Thanks again for helping with sharing my blog posts! 🙂


  4. Happy Canada Day!

    I remember the day before my grandfather died we were all at my grandparent’s for a Sunday night dinner. Then I hugged him good-bye, told him I loved him and drove back to college. I actually find it really comforting that those were our last actions together and that everyone was together and had a great evening right before. I hope you feel the same comfort.


  5. Happy Canada Day to you! It’s so wonderful when our loved ones who have passed on send those little messages to remind us that they are still with us, always.


  6. I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend! A cottage sounds like a nice retreat. I have to read The Power of Now, it sounds like something I need! I used to get so stressed out about leaving work on my desk for the following day, which resulted in staying late nearly every day at my old job. Not a good cycle to get into.

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment with us. I’m sure your mom was in the room with you and your grandson (who is so handsome!). And I voted for you =).


  7. Happy Canada Day and enjoy the long weekend! I’m also interested in human psychology and have read a couple of psychology books — so fascinating aren’t they? I’ll put The Power of Now on my list. I’m sorry for your mother, I’ve been there before and I know how difficult it is to move on with unexpected death. It was really nice for your family to have a small family reunion before though 🙂 You have cute grandson by the way!


  8. Aw I cried at the part of your grandson playing with her ring! How do they know? But the littlest seem to know far more than we do in that respect. Happy Canada Day!!!!


  9. Your grandson is very adorable! I can imagine, how you played with him. When my daughter was eight months old before, we always had a great time together because my hubs were in school. Happy Canada Day to you and your family!


  10. Happy Canada Day to you! How’s your long weekend? 🙂 Congratulations anyway for being nominated as personal finance MVP award! Woah.. That was an achievement already. Way to go.


  11. Your grandson is precious! That’s so amazing about your grandson and the ring from your mum. Being mindful is so important, but it’s harder than it sounds. Happy Canada Day!


  12. Happy Canada day to you and your family tomorrow Deb! Your grandson is absolutely adorable and I am sure that your mom’s spirit was with the two of you in that moment. It is thoughts like those that make losing someone I care about, something that I can live through and accept. Mindfulness is a great lesson to learn in all areas of our life. Four years ago, after I got life coached, I realized just how much of my life I spent in a state of mindlessness. This led to poor finances, poor health, poor marriage and poor mommying. The great news for all of us is we can change and we can become more mindful and engaged in our lives. It’s a wonderful gift! Enjoy your family time, relaxation and mindfulness. 🙂


  13. Happy Canada Day! I’m stuck here at work today, boo! 😦 Hope you and your family have a nice and relaxing long weekend! 😀


  14. I don’t mind the length of your posts at all Debs! Your info is always interesting enough to keep me reading despite the length. 🙂 Hope you enjoy your long weekend!


  15. Your grandson is too cute!! Happy Canada to you and your family. Hope you have a great weekend.


  16. That grandson of yours is SO adorable, Deb. 🙂 Hugs to you as you remember your beloved mum, and Happy Canada Day!


  17. I loved the part that you mentioned how your grandson was playing with the ring that belonged to your mom…goosebumps over here! Happy Canada Day to you too 🙂


  18. Pingback: B-A-C-K-S (, Anti-spam, CNAFinance MVP, Kisses & Kudos, Self-hosted) | debt debs

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